When we think of England we think of the majestic Cutty Sark clipper ship currently docked
on a cement slab in Greenwich, London. Then, when we think of the Cutty Sark, we think of
Cutty Sark Scots Whisky. That's the magic of concepting right there.

We did a layout on the computer to arrange the type
to be sure it all fits well. We often do sketches by
hand but the computer allows for much faster revisions.

The label was then hand lettered and the ship and lion
were hand drawn. The ship on top was too tall so a
smaller ship was necessary. Kevin used a
Rapidograph .60 (red) for all the drawing. Kevin drew
it, but those are Zander's hands with a different pen
in the photo. Weird.

Line placement wasn't important on the hand lettered piece,
because we then scanned the art into photoshop (800 dpi bitmap mode) and digitally moved everything around.
Coloring and printing was also done in Photoshop.

We printed the label at 600 dpi and cut it out with an
X-acto knife. We've also been soaking the labels off empty wine bottles downstairs. Did we just happen to have a bunch of empty wine bottles lying around the Attic, or did we have to get them for this project? None of your business.

We used rubber cement to paste the labels onto the bottles.
We made two in case the breaking doesn't go well and the
labels tear and can't be read.

Nothing goes out of the Attic without feline approval.

Zander, in stylish stocking cap, breaks some sample
bottles to see if factory labels stay on the broken glass
like our Attic-made labels. The bag is for safety.

The broken bottles are dumped on the sidewalk so they
can be photographed under natural light. Kevin moved
the label to be sure it's readable and tries to take out
pieces that look too wine-bottly instead of whisky-bottly.

We took 10 digital photos with slight differences.

We then go back into Photoshop and "mess around"
with levels, histogram, and halftones to make it printable
and photocopy-able and to make it look like it's made
for a nightclub.
The End (product)