Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Someone order more jumpsuits!

Max says that he's not feeling photogenic, so I scrounged up this photo from last year's Lutefisk Sushi show at the Creative Electric gallery. Yep, that's Max, standing in front of some pages from the graphic novel he completed while attending college.

Not many people complete a graphic novel while attending college and do you know what else not many people do? Get hired by Big Time Attic. In fact, MAX IS THE FIRST.


Max had done some terrific friendlance work for us on a couple projects and we love his skill-set diversity so much that we offered him a job. THEN...we offered another person a job to remember to pay Max and move him from contract employee to a "get better benefits than the owners" employee. So..Welcome Sumra!..our new part-time bookkeeper.


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